A Guide to Funding Resources for Digitising and Preserving Cultural Heritage in Aotearoa New Zealand
The ambition and enthusiasm of professionals in Aotearoa New Zealand’s GLAMR sector continually inspires our team at NZMS. It is an area with no shortage of innovative ideas and initiatives — the key challenge isn’t so much what to do, but rather how to make these plans a reality!
The cultural heritage sector is constantly evolving, particularly in its adaptation to a more digital environment. NZMS recognises that securing funding is a widespread challenge for GLAMIR organisations and institutions, often posing obstacles to initiating projects focused on digitisation, preservation, community engagement, and related activities.
To provide support, we recently updated our Finding Funding resource to reflect the current financial landscape and the range of available grants. It is a practical guide for organisations seeking financial assistance to help them achieve their goals.
This resource includes:
- 10 Tips on Grant Applications
- A comprehensive review of potential funding sources including local councils, community trusts, and significant foundations, e.g., Foundation North and the Rātā Foundation.
- Insights into specific grants available through National Services Te Paerangi and the Department of Internal Affairs Te Tari Taiwhenua.
This resource acts as a reliable guide designed to help you navigate the complexities of funding. It provides insights and advice to support your projects in the GLAMIR sector.

Please get in touch with our team if you would like advice on technical specifications or any other aspect of your funding application.