NZMS is pleased to announce some exciting news for those interested in cultural heritage digitisation!
Phase One have released a new copy stand that has been specifically designed for large format digitisation. The RPS 2300XXL AutoColumn copy stand is Phase One’s newest addition to its portfolio. The copy stand has a super-stable metal base that is perfectly suited for larger than A0 format digitisation projects — including capturing maps, newspapers, or drawings!
We’re sure it will help meet the ever-increasing digitisation demands of the GLAMIR sector! When used in combination with Phase One’s cutting-edge camera solutions and software integration, the copy stand allows for a seamless and fully automated digitisation workflow.
CEO of NZMS, Andy Fenton, says he’s been eagerly awaiting this equipment from Phase One:
“Phase One were the first company in the world to offer a 150-megapixel digital camera and it finally allowed us to fully render A0 sized maps, plans, or artworks at 300 PPI. This technology has helped us easily meet the benchmark quality milestones that the cultural heritage sector have been seeking for some time.
“It was apparent to all of us at NZMS that we needed to match Phase One’s camera technology with suitable structures, like copy boards and book cradles, to support the precious cultural heritage artefacts and taonga that we digitise. At NZMS we don’t like capturing objects on low tables or the floor, there’s simply too many risks to manage, so we countered this by building our own large format copy boards over the years.
“However, this excellent new piece of equipment from Phase One means all our customers can achieve a high-quality solution! It links specialised Capture One Cultural Heritage software to offer genuine improvements in workflow and functionality for large format items which are often incredibly fragile.”

Make sure to register for Phase One’s webinar on the 13th of October 16:00 CEST (14th of October, 03:00 NZST), which will enable you to watch it live or receive a recording! Eric Joakim, Phase One Cultural Heritage Portfolio Manager, will showcase the copy stand and provide tips for optimising your flat copy digitisation workflow.
For more information, please read Phase One’s fact sheet about the 2300XXL.
As Phase One’s New Zealand partners for cultural heritage, NZMS is happy to answer any questions you might have and help you find a solution that will best suit your needs. Get in touch with our team today!
Read about some of the fantastic work we’ve been able to complete using Phase One equipment: