Image above: 1949.42.3-6a, Toitū Otago Settlers Museum, Buchanan Sketchbook collection.
The GLAMIR sector plays a vital role in our society by sharing knowledge, preserving cultural heritage, and supporting communities — yet the impacts of COVID-19 have seen many of these organisations experience times of hardship and uncertainty.
This newsletter takes a closer look at the Cultural Sector Regeneration Fund, a great initiative run by the Manatū Taonga Ministry for Culture and Heritage, created specifically to help GLAMIR institutions persevere through the aftermath of COVID-19. It offers dedicated funding that can help achieve a variety of positive outcomes for communities across New Zealand as well as support the GLAMIR sector into the future.
We also highlight our latest case study which opens a window into 19th century naturalism, discuss our team’s visit to Dublin to attend the World Library and Information Congress, and reveal our sponsorship of the Educate Plus NZ Chapter Conference 2022!

Cultural Sector Regeneration Fund: Open for Expressions of Interest
If you follow NZMS on social media, it’s likely you’ve seen our re-shares from Manatū Taonga Ministry for Culture and Heritage detailing the newly available Cultural Sector Regeneration Fund! To simplify the application process, the Cultural Sector Regeneration Fund replaces the Capability Fund, the Creative Arts Recovery and Employment Fund, and the Innovation Fund.
The Ministry recognises that many cultural heritage organisations continue to be significantly affected by COVID-19 and this fund has been designated to both aid the sector in its recovery and help it thrive into the future. By supporting strategic, sector-led initiatives, there is a hope that they will have lasting benefits for arts, culture, and heritage in Aotearoa.
The fund has five key outcomes:
- Improve sustainability and resilience of the arts, culture, and heritage sectors.
- Increase employment and skill development opportunities.
- Improve safeguarding of Mātauranga Māori and support of Toi Māori.
- Improve access and participation in arts, culture, and heritage sectors.
- Increase the use of arts, culture, and heritage as a tool to improve wellbeing.
There is currently $28 million available to support initiatives with the strongest potential to contribute toward these outcomes — make sure to follow the link below for more information!
Please get in touch with our team at NZMS for a chat if you would like some guidance on technical specifications or other advice regarding your funding application. We’re happy to help!
NZMS often highlights funding and development opportunities that support Aotearoa’s GLAMIR sector through our social media. If this is of interest to you, we recommend you follow our Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram!

Sketchbooks Provide Fascinating Insights into 19th Century Naturalism
“[he had a] concentration on bare essentials, portrayed in an austere harmony of brown, grey, green, and blue [which] resulted in a work of superlative merit. Though it possesses qualities which make it one of the few great landscape paintings the Otago century has produced, this watercolour stands as aloof in its class as it does in appeal.”
– Dr Alexander Hare McLintock
During the 19th century, Aotearoa New Zealand was a hub for scientific exploration, with numerous expeditions setting off across the country to discover and record our unique flora and fauna. Many of these expeditions were attended by John Buchanan, New Zealand’s first locally based scientific illustrator. As well as being a gifted artist, he was also a skilled botanist and was tasked with creating meticulous illustrations for a range of scientific publications, including the first eighteen volumes of the Transaction of the New Zealand Institute.
NZMS recently had the good fortune of delving deeper into Buchanan’s work by digitising his private sketchbooks held at Toitū Otago Settlers Museum, which are filled with stunning sketches and watercolours.
Our latest case study reveals the significance of these sketchbooks by examining Buchanan’s influence on scientific knowledge, the reasons for digitising such material, and the importance of primary sources of information.

Recollect in Dublin: IFLA WLIC 2022
NZMS Chairman and Founder, Andy Fenton, recently travelled to Dublin to represent Recollect at the World Library and Information Congress (WLIC) 2022. Hosted by the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions, WLIC 2022 presents the opportunity for like-minded individuals to connect, share ideas, and attend sessions to discuss the future of the library and information field.
During the congress heavy emphasis is placed on connecting librarians from across the globe, with Dublin providing a fantastic opportunity to discuss pertinent topics impacting both our global sector and the methods in which we can tackle potential issues at a domestic level. Andy has summarised his thoughts on the Congress in a report published on our website. The report also sees Andy contemplate how local community libraries in Aotearoa can emphasise the admirable work they do for our communities, and how we can advocate to ensure this work continues.
“We all know libraries contribution to sustainable goals is admirable, but as we have found in the New Zealand context, we are often advocating to ourselves – and at IFLA I learnt this is actually a worldwide problem. We need to get the message to those that have the most influence, for example, chief executives from central and local government agencies, the New Zealand Cabinet, and so on.”
– Andy Fenton, NZMS Chairman

NZMS’ Silver Sponsorship of Educate Plus!
NZMS is proud to announce our official sponsorship of the Educate Plus NZ Chapter Conference 2022! This follows the growing interest in Recollect from those within the education sector who are increasingly recognising the value of archives – both to connect with stakeholder communities and share their unique stories.
Educate Plus is the only Australasian organisation for professionals in the education sector and it is largely run by volunteers who are passionate about supporting individuals in educational advancement roles. The organisation aims to connect professionals with their peers, engage in professional development, and build collaborative partnerships within the sector.
The upcoming NZ Chapter Conference 2022 will take place on Friday the 9th of September and provides a fantastic opportunity for local sector professionals to take advantage of these objectives.
The conference is a one-day in-person event, hosted at the University of Auckland, and will operate under the sentiment of Adapt, Strive, Thrive. This recognises the significant obstacles the sector has recently faced, the ambition and resilience of education professionals, and a desire to support the sector into the future.
If you’re interested in attending this conference, or would simply like to learn more about the organisation and their work, follow the link below!
Upcoming Events
21 Years of Papers Past: Panel Discussion
Christchurch: Monday, 12th September, 12:00pm – 2:00pm
Auckland: Friday, 30th September, 12:00pm – 2:00pm
Christchurch: Spark Place (ground floor), Tūranaga
Auckland: Whare Wananga, Auckland Central City Library
2022 marks the 21st anniversary of the initial release of Papers Past. This series of events celebrates Papers Past as a rich resource for researchers, genealogists, and students, and explores the impact of the website on research now and in the future.
Educate Plus: NZ Chapter Conference 2022
Date: Friday 9th, September
Time: 7:30am – 6:00pm
Location: Sir Owen G Glenn Building, University of Auckland
The conference offers an incredible opportunity for professional development and learning, and immense value for all those working in any aspect of educational advancement including: fundraising and development, admissions and enrolment, marketing and communications, alumni relations and community engagement, across all the Primary, Secondary and Tertiary education sectors of our schools and universities.
ARANZ 2022 AGM and Awards
Date: Friday 23rd, September
Time: 2:00pm – 3:00pm
Location: Online (Zoom)
ARANZ will be hosting the 2022 Annual General Meeting and Awards this September, followed by a presentation by Michael Upton: “What is it like to work for a Royal Commission?
The AGM will see the next Honorary Life Membership of the Association presented to the recipient.
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